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Tuesday, 13 March 2018

How To Keep Long, Healthy Nails

Keeping long nails have being greatly debunked by health personnel claiming it serves as habitation for germs. In spite of this, many people find long nails a necessity. I, for example, can't keep my nails short because I am always typing and the beauty long nails give my hands.

Different people have reasons for keeping long nails. Whatever the case may be it is quite important to keep them healthy as you try to make them long.

This article is based on showing you how to keep long, healthy nails.

How Fingernails Grow?

Before proceeding, Let me quickly explain how fingernails grow.

If you paid attention during Biology class you'd remember that your body produces new cells after a certain period and purges out old ones.

Your hand does that too. New cells are formed from the matrix of each finger that is the base of each finger.
As these new cells grow, they tend to push out the old cells which form our fingernails.

It is because the old cells form our fingernails we are able to cut and trim them without feeling any pain. The moment we cut beyond the old cell into the newly formed cell, we tend to find the experience very painful.

Now that we've established How fingernails grow, let's move into the main focus of this article - How to keep long, healthy nails.

1. Do not use your nails as tools

We find our fingernails as handy tools for quick scratching, piercing, picking e.t.c

To keep your nails long and healthy, you must avoid using them as tools.
Not only would you be putting too much strain on them, there's every tendency they may break quickly when you do so.

2. Avoid Chemicals

Certain chemicals are corrosive and can affect the growth of your fingernails.
Try as much as possible to keep your fingernails away from chemicals.

3. Do not cut your cuticles.

This may be sound strange because it is a general belief or an acceptable conduct that when you cut or trim your fingernails you also cut your cuticles.

If you must grow your fingernails and do it in a healthy way then you mustn't cut your cuticles.

4. Moisturize your cuticles

You must not cut your cuticle is you want to grow healthy fingernails. You should keep them moisturized.

Ensure they are moisturized at all times of the day. Do not allow them to become too dry.

5. Consume Vitamins

Vitamins help a lot with issues that involve building body parts and growing long, healthy fingernails is not an exception.

Consume a lot of vitamins if you must grow fingernails. Supplements are also handy tools if your fingers must be healthy.

6. Keep your nails as dry as possible

Do not allow moisture in your fingernail region. Always make sure to keep them dry to avoid germs from breeding underneath them.

Keeping your fingernails dry mustn't be confused with moisturizing your cuticles. While you moisturize your cuticles ensure your fingernails are dry.

7. File Correctly

To make your fingernails grow long, the art of filing them is quite a necessity.
Filing your fingernails help shape them into whatever form you want them to take.

It is like directing a plant round a stalk. The way you file your fingers determine how they grow and how long they get.

Therefore, if you must get your fingers long, file correctly. Do not be too hard on your fingers when filing them.

File from the sides, from the base to the corresponding side.

Your fingernails can grow long and healthy, simply apply the aforementioned tips and you'd experience amazing results.

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